Disassembly and Installation of Sinloli Ukulele Love Machine Adjustment Knob
Thank you for your trust and purchase. This document is intended to assist customers facing difficulties in adjusting the knob about Ukulele series sex machine. Attached are relevant images and videos, hoping to provide answers to your concerns. Thank you for your patience.
The parts related to adjustment knob consist of 4 small pieces, as shown in the diagram below. Please fix and install each piece in order, from piece#1 to #4, closest to the knob to the main panel. Please keep an eye the relevant key points. It is crucial to note that all four pieces are essential, and if you are missing any parts, please do not hesitate to contact support@sinloli.com and inform us.
Installation Steps and Key Points for Ukulele Machine Adjustment Knob

Download HD version of the picture: Installation-Steps-and-Key-Points
- Piece#1: The textured side faces the main panel, and the smooth side faces the knob.
- Piece#2: Both piece#2 and #3 are sandwich between two brackets. The smooth side faces the knob.
- Piece#3: Get stuck in the fixed position of piece#2 and secure it in place.
- Piece#4: The larger, irregular side faces the knob, and the smaller, round side faces the main panel.
The final step is to tighten all parts in place after securing them.
After installation, Adjustment Knob for the final look. Please check the video:
Video: Disassembly Steps for Ukulele Machine Adjustment Knob:
Video: Installation Steps for Ukulele Machine Adjustment Knob: